
森 勉 のページ

Manchester Museumの特攻機 追加しました

 Tutomu Mori's selected paoers  @ 研究論文集@ 1981〜2003 
       〃  A 研究論文集A 1962〜1978
 写真集  B フランスの 研究所
 写真集  C シアトルの タコマ富士 
 随想  D 知覧特攻記念館見学の思い出
 写真集  E Manchester博物館の特攻機

Tsutomu Mori's selected papers

Instead of writing about me, I will list some of my papers
to illustrate my particular interests.

アイコン 研究論文集@    1981〜2003

11. E C Oliver, N Kobayashi, T Mori, M R Daymond and P J Withers, Mechanical energy criterion for stress-induced martensitic transformation, Scripta Mater. 49, 1013-1019(2003).

The fraction of twins in a twinned martensite plate was shown to depend on stress, using an energy analysis. This concept opposes the well accepted belief that a twinned martensite plate has a constant structure, having zero elastic energy. 

10. T Mori, H Miura, T Tokita, J Haji and M Kato, Determination of the energies of [001] twist boundaries in Cu with the shape of boundary SiO2 particles, Phil. Mag. Lett. 58,11-15(1988).

Prior to this paper, the determination of grain boundary energy relied on an unreasonable method in a strict sense. This paper used the shape of SiO2 inclusions on grain boundaries observed in TEM. The experiment used well characterized bicrystals. Some boundaries with the low Σ values (coincident lattice site concept) were shown to have clear cusps in an energy-misorientation angle diagram.

9. T Mori and T Mura, Blocking effect of inclusions on grain boundary sliding; spherical grain approximation, J. Mech. Phys. Solids, 35, 631-641 (1987).

This paper is the three-dimensional version of strain hardening due to inclusions, paper 2. The stress due to dislocation loops surrounding the inclusions was analyzed using the Eshelby theory of (flat) inclusions. Thus, the miserable constant associated with the dislocation core radius was avoided.

8. M Okabe, T Mura and T Mori, Internal friction caused by diffusion around a second-phase particle, A1-Si alloy, Phil. Mag. A, 44, l-12 (1981).

This paper tested the soundness of a previous theoretical paper, T Mori, M Okabe and T Mura, Acta metall, 28, 319-325 (1980), using internal friction. The third power dependence of the (stress) relaxation time due to interfacial diffusion on the inclusion diameter was clearly shown.

7. T Mori and M Kato, Asymptotic form of activation energy for double-kink formation in a dislocation in a one-dimensional periodic field, Phil. Mag. A, 43, 1315-1320 (1981).

Using an elementary calculus, the paper showed that the activation energy for the formation of a double kink pair along a dislocation in the Peierls potential is proportional to , when σ is close to . Here, σ is the stress and  the Peierls stress. From this, the yield stress at lower temperatures in such materials as bcc metal and ionic crystals was shown to obey the form of , where Τ is the temperature. This paper is one of few papers I have written in the field of dislocation theory.

アイコン 研究論文集A    1962〜1978

6. T Eto, A Sato and T Mori, Stress-oriented precipitation of G.P. Zones and θ in an A1-Cu alloy, Acta metall., 26, 499-508 (1978).

The stress orienting precipitation of GP zones and θ in  Al-Cu alloys was clearly shown using single crystals. This effect is due to the interaction between the stress and misfit strain of GP zones. The θ  precipitates inherit the GP zones. That is, it was shown that the sequence of precipitation in Al-Cu is continuous.

5. M Kato, R Monzen and T Mori, A stress induced martensitic transformation of spherical iron particles in a Cu-Fe alloy, Acta metall., 26, 605-613 (1978).

This paper showed that the martensitic transformation of small iron particles in a
Cu-Fe alloy from fcc to bcc is triggered by lattice change from fcc to bcc aided by
stress. A student of mine has told me that this paper is one of the most cited ones
of my publications. I do no understand why this might be so, though.

4. T Mori and H Tokushige, Effect of particle size on low temperature softening of work hardened Cu-SiO2 crystals, Acta metall., 25, 635-641 (1977).
Following the above paper, this paper showed that the softening by annealing in
strain hardened inclusion bearing alloys is due to the annihilation of Orowan loops

by the climb motion through pipe diffusion along a loop. This conclusion was reached by the analysis of the softening characteristic time being  proportional to the fourth power of the inclusion diameter and having a very low activation energy. This paper was followed by recovery creep experiments described in subsequent papers: M Okabe and T Mori, Acta metall. 27, 1373-1380(1979) and T Mori and T Osawa, Phil. Mag. A, 40,445-457(1979).

3. T Mori and K Narita, Decrease of back stress and softening of work hardened copper-silica crystals by recovery, Acta metall., 23, 85-91 (1975).

The hardening induced by plastic deformation in a dispersion strengthened alloy anneals out at a low temperature.  In addition to identifying the character of the hardening as directional back stress, this paper demonstrated that the loss of the work hardening accompanied  the plastic strain along the same direction as the strain imposed by pre-deformation.

2. K Tanaka and T Mori, The hardening of crystals by non-deforming particles and fibers, Acta metall., 18, 931-941 (1970).

In 1957, J D Eshelby published a celebrated paper concerning the elastic state of an ellipsoidal inclusion. Some say that this paper of Eshelby’s is the best in elasticity in the 20th century. Our paper used the Eshelby paper to calculate the work hardening rate in a dispersion strengthened alloy and composite. The paper took an approach based on energy calculations and thereby avoided the more complicated procedures associated with standard methods of stress analysis.

1. T Mori, M Meshii and J W Kauffman, Quenching rate and quenched-in lattice vacancies in gold, J. Appl. Phys., 33, 2776-2780 (1962).

In this paper, the formation energy of a vacancy in gold was determined. At this time, a standard method to determine the vacancy concentrations involved quenching a sample and then measuring a physical property which is proportional to the concentration of vacancies. However, in practice quenching is always carried out with a finite cooling rate and vacancies are inevitably lost during quenching. To evaluate this effect, I used several different quenching rates and measured the quenched-in resistivity of gold. Next, the resistivity was extrapolated to an infinite quenching rate. This extrapolated resistivity was used as a measure corresponding to the equilibrium concentration of vacancies at a quenching temperature. In this way, I determined the formation energy of a vacancy in gold to be 0.97 eV. 

This paper is in the collection of selected papers about point defects edited by the Physical Society of Japan.

アイコン       フランスの 研究所
          Grenobleの研究所(Institut Laue Langevin-ILL, European Synchrotron
          Radiation Facility-ESRF)は谷間にあります。研究所から見た岩登りによい
          手前に見える低い建物が、European Synchrotron Radiation Facilityの
       Guest house,
          岐阜のKAMIOKANDE, つくばのKEK, 姫路の近くにあるSpring8にも、色々な
          国から来てるでしょう。日本もいい国になり ました。嬉しいです。


   シアトルの タコマ富士              

 仕事でSeattleへよく行きます。Seattleから南の方にMt Rainierがあります。活火山で、標高5000 mくらい。明治、大正の移民は、たいていSeattleで下船しました。米国最初の寄港地がSeattleだったのです。Seattleから見ると、Tacomaの方向にあるので、Seattleやその近郊に住んだ日系移民は、タコマ富士と呼んだのです。望郷の念にかられてでしょう。富士山を見たことがなかった人々が大部分だったでしょうが、富士山は、日本、故郷の象徴だったのです。


 銀座にワシントン靴店があるでしょう。この店は、Seattle移民の一人が日本に帰って始めたものです。Seattleは、Washington Stateにあります。ワシントン靴店のシントンは、Washington DCを意味しません。苦労した日系移民の歴史があるのです。


初めてChicagoに行ったとき、たまに一膳飯屋へ行きました。てんぷら、すき焼きなどがありました。こんなものより、学食風のライスカレーを食べたかったです。(私には、stew風のcurry and riceより、こま切れをちょっといれた、ライスカレーのほうが性にあってます。なお、昔の日本式ライスカレーは、インドから学んだ、英国スタイルが原型です。) 夜Lake Michiganの湖畔へ行って、水面に写る月を眺めました。おセンチですが、日本で見るのと同じ月だと思ったものです。明治、大正の移民に比べると、なんとたるんだ精神でしょうか。いま、反省してます。

          森 勉   H18.2.17









 私の先生の村さんに、上の知覧の話をしたことがあります、"村さん。同級生が何人か死んだでしょう。" と言ったら、黙ってうなずいていました。

               森 勉     H18.5.29


                       写真の説明。特攻機 桜花

 ManchesterにあるMuseum of Science and Industryに、飛行機の陳列棟があります。複葉機から、jet機まであります。その中に、特攻機 “桜花” がおいてあります。英国得意の略奪行為の結果でしょう。桜花をご存知でない方は、Wikipediaで調べてください。




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